
Toccata contracted Raemonda for Wwft regulations and digital compliance

Toccata has a strict CDD & KYC compliance policy. Making use of the specialized International compliance software programme RAEMONDA, in line with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Prevention) Act (Wwft), Toccata aims to maintain the highest standards in AML regulations in order to ensure a healthy client base.

Since October 1st, 2020 we offer clients support to implement an automated compliance process, monitor transactions, sanction and pep checking and setting up and maintaining structure charts.

In this way, thanks to our digital transaction monitoring functionality, our clients can be offered trust as regards the many compliance regulations applicable for financial service providers (both Wtt and Wwft).


By using the  RAEMONDA software, we offer the user a tool to comply with the laws and regulations regarding CDD & KYC in a transparent and efficient manner with a logging functionality to demonstrate the audit trail.  Monitoring transactions is a time-intensive process. With RAEMONDA this process is considerably accelerated and smoothened.

With RAEMONDA, we and our clients are in-control, up-to-date and can manage an efficient and reliable client acceptance process. The RAEMONDA software program contains various client acceptance lists that have been compiled with the greatest possible care based on legal requirements.

You want to learn more about how Toccata, is using RAEMONDA, deals with CDD/KYC, transaction monitoring and sanction and pep checking? Contact us!

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